Handcrafted Spiritual & Magickal Products with pure essential oils

Natural vegetable based herbal soaps, magickal oils, potions, mists, incense & spell candles handcrafted with pure essential oils by Air & Fire, A Mystical Bazaar in Boulder Creek, Ca.
We have testers of all of Air and Fire's handcrafted natural products at our Mystical Bazaar, in Boulder Creek, come on in and try them!

About our Magickal Products
We handcraft, special Spiritual & Magickal products to delight the senses and balance the mind, body and spirit. We use pure essential oils and fine natural ingredients for our magical or Magickal Oils, Raw Natural Incenses, Mystic Mists & Potions, Elemental Candles, and Natural Soaps. Guided by spirit, and embedded with intent, we craft our spiritual & magickal items in harmony with the earth, moon and sun's cycles to strengthen their purpose.
About our recipes
Many of the recipes used to create our Magickal products have been gifts channeled through spirit. Some came to us in dreams and visions. Others are time honored blends passed down through the ages. All of our recipes involve careful research and study involving Magick, Aromatherapy, Herbs, Crystals, Minerals, Skin Care and Natural Products.
What we consider to be our most important ingredient is also the most precious, and is included in all of our products. Known as manna in Hawaiian, ache in Yoruba, prana in India and Ch'i in China. An attempt to translate these words falls short of their entire meaning, but to us they are pure energy of a spiritual nature stemming from heart, universal love, and the laws of nature.
We channel and direct this energy with positive intent and focus, into all of our handcrafted magickal products. May you use them responsibly, with love in your hearts and respect for nature's laws. May they enhance your focus to move and direct energy towards your desired outcome. May they bring you enjoyment and blessings for the highest good of all.
Here's what some of our customers have said about us
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