Sunday, November 12, 2023

11:30 AM  
Intro to Qigong

Learn to gather and cultivate the life force for healing and well being with certified instructor Jim Weaver.
All levels are welcome. 

Introductory class is 1.5 hours

Ongoing weekly classes Sunday mornings at 11:30am.
$25.00 per class and monthly packages are available. 
Call or stop by the shop to sign up.

04:00 PM  
Past Life Exploration

This is a 2 hour class, plus a one on one private session with Jenistar Shakti, Certified Hypnotherapist.

Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life or felt like you have been here before? Or dreamed of being in a different time and place? Feelings and dreams such as these are your soul’s way of showing you what you are striving to learn on a deeper level.
By using past life exploration as a tool for healing we can begin to see different aspects of ourselves, uncover the truth about significant relationships and reveal hidden talents. 
In this class we will create an opportunity for growth by using hypnosis to journey through the doorways of our souls and discover more about who we truly are.
Hypnosis is an extremely powerful tool for change and transformation! By putting your conscious mind to rest through guided relaxation techniques, you have access to the powerful subconscious mind. It is here that all of the memories and thought patterns of your lives are stored. Through the avenues of the subconscious mind, we can get to the roots of self-exploration and greatly enhance your life and well-being. 
Cost: $100
The price includes one 2 hour class and a personal one on one hypnotherapy session with Jenny Arnold, certified Hypnotherapist, to go deeper into past life issues. The one on one will be scheduled at the class.