Natural Soap crafted with essential oils > Oshun's Love, Beauty & Prosperity Soap
Oshun's Love, Beauty & Prosperity Soap

Price: $15.00
Availability: sold out

Oshun's Love Beauty & Prosperity Soap has preparations months in advance with an infusion of olive oil and calendula petals. The soap’s yellow orange color is derived from red palm oil which is often used in African cooking and Orisha care but not easily found in most US markets. We add honey, beeswax and sweet orange to it for a delicious smell and creamy smooth texture.

Oshun (Ochun) is the Orisha or Yoruban Goddess of the rivers, she owns the sweet waters and tends to matters of love, beauty and prosperity. Pot Marigold (calendula), one of her favorite flowers is used for its healing and soothing effects on the skin. Her soap has a nice lather, soothing feel of honey with the texture of soft calendula petals throughout. Rub this soap all over your body and invoke the blessings of Oshun.

Coconut oil is in all our soaps, it cleans well, moisturizes skin and produces a long lasting bar and rich lather. Let our soap dry out on a good soap holder between uses and it will last a long time. Leave it in a puddle of water and it will go fast, this is an all natural product gentle on the environment and you.

We wont rush a good thing... our soaps are hand stirred and cured the old fashion way... time. These will have cured about a moon cycle before they leave our racks, and they are worth the wait.