Classes and Events > Body, Mind and Spirit Night (Oct & Nov)
Body, Mind and Spirit Night (Oct & Nov)
Air and Fire -- Oct 17, 2004 --


Body Mind & Spirit Night
Sundays     6:00 - 8:00 p.m.      Cost $5 - $10

October 17th "Honoring our Ancestors"
We will discuss the importance and rewards of honoring our Ancestors and Beloved Dead. We will share some methods which have been passed down to us from our elders in a Spiritist tradition and from personal experience.
Presented by Lobo & Emelia

 October 24 "Halloween & Samhain"
We will discuss the origins of some Halloween customs used today as well as Day of the Dead, All Saints Day and Samhain. Through guided visualization we will explore the nature of the energies abound this season and how they relate to the cycle of life. We will use animal totems to tune in and prepare ourselves for necessary transformations in our dance through life. 
Presented by Jennifer & Emelia

November 7th "Underworld"
Join us for an enchanting evening full of tales of the old Gods and Goddess of the Underworld. Explore the mystery of this dark time of the year and how it relates to us. Take a journey guided by visualization into the darkness of the Underworld and uncover tools to help you on your spiritual progression into the light.
Presented by Jennifer & Emelia
November 21st "Past Lives"
Ever have memories of things you can't explain or felt like you've been here before? Have you ever met someone for the first time and have a strong feeling you already know them? Come explore some of your soul's patterns. Discover how to access these memories by delving into the subconscious mind to help you  gain a deeper understanding of who you are today. Whether you are just curious about the subject or have solid facts, join us for a evening of discussion and exploration as we begin to travel the threads of the web of life. Lead by Jennifer Arnold CHT, a professional Hypnotherapist specializing in Past life Regression.

Our intent is to create a safe space in a relaxed atmosphere for learning, sharing, healing ourselves and our mother earth.
Please bring an open heart and open mind.