Classes and Events > Sabbat Wheel
Sabbat Wheel
The Wheel of the Year
Air and Fire -- Nov 13, 2004 --

Sabbat Wheel The Wheel of the Year
A focused exploration and study of each of the 8 Sabbats and the Cylces of the Moon, including printed material and hands-on projects.
Offered at Air & Fire 13155 Highway 9, suite B in Boulder Creek, Ca.

a 9 week course:

Nov 13th Saturday 10:30-12:30 Moon Cycles
Nov 20th Saturday 10:30-12:30 Yule
Dec 4th Saturday 10:30-12:30 Imbolc
Dec 11th Saturday 10:30-12:30 Ostara
Dec 18th Saturday 10:30-12:30 Beltane
Jan 8th Saturday 10:30-12:30 Litha
Jan 15th Saturday 10:30-12:30 Lughnasadh
Jan 22nd Saturday 10:30-12:30 Mabon
Jan 29th Saturday 10:30-12:30 Samhain

*This course includes a workbook with informational handouts for each session and approximately 3-5 hours of study each week between classes.
Full Course fee: $125 plus $15 lab fee 
*All enrolled students who commit to the full course and pay the full fee will receive a complete course workbook + binder.
Payment arrangements can be made with Air & Fire.
Drop-in Course fee: $15 per session + $2.50 lab fee (no binder)
*All students accepted at the discretion of the instructor.

Required reading:
Wheel of the Year by Pauline Campannelli
Recomended reading:
Green Witchcraft by Ann Moura
All books available at Air & Fire

Instructor: J’té Argent HPS of FireDrakeCircle

Student requirement: This course must have 7 enrolled students to begin as scheduled.  The maximum number of students for this courseis 13.