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BMS Oct. - Dec. 2005
BMS Oct. - Dec. 2005
Nov 20, 2005 -- Body Mind and Spirit Night is back!!!
One Sunday a month
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Cost: $15
October 23 Halloween & Samhain We will discuss the origins of Halloween and customs used today as well as Day of the Dead, All Souls Day and Samhain. We will explore the nature of the energies abound this season as we prepare for important seasonal shifts and learn ways to make the most out of them. We will take you on an inner journey guided by visualization for deeper exploration and deeper understanding of the web of life and how we are connected to it. Presented by Jennifer & Emelia
November 20 "Underworld" Join us for an enchanting evening full of tales of the old Gods and Goddess of the Underworld. Explore the mystery of this dark time of the year and how it relates to us. Take a journey guided by visualization into the darkness of the Underworld and uncover tools to help you on your spiritual progression into the light. Presented by Jennifer & Emelia
December 4 "Bibliomantic Scrying" A relatively new type of divination-gazing that utilizes the actual text of a favorite book as the medium for providing personal spiritual insight, a technique very different from basic bibliomancy (random book page reading/divination). We will also cover how bibliomancy can be used to augment the bibliomantic scrying method, to yield an even deeper reading. Presented by Galen Du Puis of Wreathwood Circle